universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 15 November 2012 0 komentar


Tersedia perpustakaan dengan buku-buku yang selalu di-update, dan didukung oleh suasana yang nyaman sehingga memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk selalu menambah pengetahuan. Koleksi perpustakaan meliputi buku penunjang kuliah, buku pengembangan diri, jurnal ilmiah, bacaan remaja, serta koran dan majalah untuk menambah wawasan sivitas akademika. Perpustakaan juga dilengkapi digital katalog sehingga mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah menemukan posisi penyimpanan buku.

koleksi buku perpustakaan
koleksi buku perpustakaan

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta




ini peta lokasi universita BUDU LUHUR

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Struktur Organisasi

Struktur Organisasi
Struktur organisasi Universitas Budi Luhur dirancang secara spesifik, terutama untuk dapat mendukung Visi dan Misi yang telah dicanangkan.
Organisasi Universitas Budi Luhur terdiri dari:
  • Unsur Pimpinan (Rektorat)
  • Unsur Pelaksana Akademik (Fakultas)
  • Unsur Pelaksana Administrasi (Biro)
  • Unsur Penunjang
Unsur Pimpinan (Rektorat)
Universitas Budi Luhur dipimpin oleh seorang Rektor dan dibantu Rektor II serta beberapa deputi, yaitu:
  • Rektor : Prof. Dr. TB. Ronny Rahman Nitibaskara
  • Rektor II : Dr. M. Hartun Sunjata, M. Sc
  • Deputi Rektor I : Drs. Soeroso, M. Sc
  • Deputi Rektor II : Dra. Ririt Roeswidiah
  • Deputi Rektor III : Ir. Hari Soetanto, M. Sc
  • Direktur Bidang Akademik : Ir. Bullion Dragon Andah, M. Sc
  • Direktur Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Karir & Alumni : Deni Mahdiana, MM, M. Kom
  • Direktur Lembaga Penjamin Mutu : Drs. Eko Polosoro, M. Eng, MM
  • Direktur Lembaga Riset & PPM : Dr. Ir. Nazori AZ, MT
  • Direktur Bidang Promosi dan Kerjasama : Bruri Trya Sartana, MM, M. Kom
  • Direktur Bidang Teknologi Informasi : Utomo Budiyanto, M. Kom, M. Sc
  • Direktur Administrasi Keuangan : Suryanto, S. Kom, MM
Unsur Pelaksana Akademik (Fakultas)
  • Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
    • Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi : Goenawan Brotosaputro, S. Kom, M. Sc
    • Wakil Dekan Fakultas Teknologi Informasi : Mardi Hardjianto, M. Kom
    • Ketua Program Studi Teknik Informatika : M. Ainur Rony, MTI
    • Sekretaris Prodi Teknik Informatika : Achmad Solichin, MTI
    • Ketua Program Studi Sistem Informasi : Hendri Irawan, MTI
    • Sekretaris Prodi Sistem Informasi : Anita Diana, M. Kom
    • Ketua Program Studi Sistem Komputer : Yani Prabowo, S. Kom, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Diploma 3 Unggulan : Joko Christian, M. Kom
  • Fakultas Ekonomi
    • Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi : Ir. Ratnaningsih AW, MBA
    • Ketua Program Studi Manajemen : Pambuko Naryoto, SE, MM
    • Ketua Program Studi Akuntansi : Dicky Arisudhana, SE, MM
  • Fakultas Teknik
    • Dekan Fakultas Teknik : Sujono, MT
    • Ketua Program Studi Arsitektur : Putri Suryandari, ST, M. Ars
    • Ketua Program Studi Elektro : Rummi Santi Rama Sirait, MT
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
    • Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik : Rusdiyanta, S. IP, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional : Yusran, M. Si
  • Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi
    • Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi : Dra. Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi, M. Si
    • Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi : Rocky Prasetyo Jati, M. Si
    • Sekretaris Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi : Imelda, M. Kom
  • Program Pascasarjana
    • Direktur Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Informasi : Dr. Moedjiono, M. Sc
    • Kaprodi Magister Komputer : Dr. Ir. Nazori AZ, MT
    • Kaprodi Magister Manajemen : Dr. Setyani Dwi Lestari, ME
    • Kaprodi Magister Akuntansi : Dr. Sugeng Riyadi, Ak., M. Si
    • Sekretaris Program Pascasarjana : Rusdah, M. Kom
Unsur Pelaksana Administrasi (Biro)
  • Ka. Biro Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan : Joko Sutrisno, M. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Sistem Informasi : Gandung Triyono, M. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Keuangan : Widodo MS, S. Kom
  • Ka. Biro Umum dan SDM : Dra. Ririt Roeswidiah
  • Ka. Biro Riset & Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat : Ir. Yan Everhard, MT
  • Ka. Biro Penjamin Mutu : Dra. Dwi Achadiani, M. Kom

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 11 November 2012 0 komentar
budi luhur unggulan di jakarta


Cerdas dan berbudi luhur merupakan dua hal yang terpadu yang tidak terpisahkan, karena kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi yang luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan dari orang lain.
Untuk mendidik tenaga trampil yang cerdas dan berbudi Luhur itu, maka pada tanggal 1 April 1979 didirikan Akademi Ilmu Komputer (AIK) Budi Luhur di Jakarta, beralamat di Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 Jakarta Pusat. Akademi ini bertujuan menghasilkan tenaga-tenaga trampil atau professional di bidang komputer guna memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan nasional.
Setelah dua tahun diperjuangkan, pada tanggal 11 Agustus 1981 AIK Budi Luhur mendapatkan izin operasional dari pemerintah. Dalam surat izin operasional itu, pemerintah mengubah nama AIK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademi Pengetahuan Komputer (APK) Budi Luhur. Nama ini digunakan, ketika pada tanggal 5 Januari 1983 berdasarkan keputusan Mendikbud No. 018/O/1983 APK Budi Luhur mendapat status terdaftar. Dengan status terdaftar yang dimiliki, APK Budi Luhur berhasil menyelenggarakan ujian sarjana muda komputer dengan dosen penguji dari ITB. Dalam ujian negara itu APK Budi Luhur meluluskan sarjana-sarjana muda komputer pertama di Indonesia.
Berkenaan dengan siapnya pembangunan kampus tahap pertama (dengan dua unit gedung berlantai dua), maka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1985 APK Budi Luhur pindah dari Jl. Budi Utomo No. 11 ke jalan Cileduk Raya, Pertukangan Utara, Kebayoran Lama.
Dengan makin mantapnya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di APK Budi Luhur, dan makin besarnya minat dan kebutuhan keahlian di bidang komputer, maka Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur pada bulan Agustus 1985 mendirikan Akademi Teknik Elektro Komputer (ATEK) Budi Luhur dan Akademi Akuntansi Komputer (AAK) Budi Luhur. Tujuan berdirinya ATEK Budi Luhur adalah menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan teknik elektro komputer, sedangkan AAK Budi Luhur bertujuan menyiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang mampu memegang jabatan dan tugas-tugas yang memerlukan pengetahuan akuntansi dan komputer.
Dengan kemajuan-kemajuan yang dicapai oleh APK Budi Luhur, Pemerintah memberikan kenaikan status (akreditasi) dari terdaftar menjadi diakui berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud No. 0355/I/1986 tanggal 13 Mei 1986. Pemberian status diakui itu mengakibatkan bergantinya nama APK Budi Luhur menjadi Akademik Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Budi Luhur.
Sejalan dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dan perhatian masyarakat terhadap ilmu komputer (computer science), serta makin meningkatnya permintaan sarjana muda komputer untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang Strata-1 (S1) didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Pengetahuan Komputer (STPK) Budi Luhur di semester genap  tahun akademik 1985-1986.
Dengan makin mantapnya STPK Budi Luhur dan dengan didorong oleh semua pihak, di tahun 1986 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Elektro Komputer  (STEK) Budi Luhur dan Sekolah Tinggi Akuntasi Komputer (STAK) Budi Luhur untuk menyelenggarakan program strata satu (S1) di bidangnya masing-masing.
Di awal tahun 1987, Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur merasa perlu untuk menyederhanakan kelembagaan perguruan tinggi dilingkungannya (STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur) ke dalam suatu wadah. Maka berdasarkan Keputusan Mendikbud nomor 0720/I/1987, STPK, STEK, dan STAK Budi Luhur diintegrasikan ke dalam Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Budi Luhur dengan jurusan dan program studi sebagai berikut :
  1. Jurusan Manajemen Informatika, dengan program studi :
    a. Manajemen Informatika (D-III Diakui dan S-1 Terdaftar)
    b. Komputerisasi Akuntansi (D-III dan S1 Terdaftar). 
  2. Jurusan Teknik Informatika dengan program studi Teknik Informatika (S-1 Terdaftar).
  3. Jurusan Teknik Komputer, dengan program studi  Teknik Komputer (D III dan S-1 Terdaftar).
Didorong oleh keinginan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa Komputerisasi Akuntansi yang makin bertambah, berdasarkan Keputusan Ketua Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur Nomor 343/KBYL/XI/1989 tanggal 30 November 1989, program studi komputerisasi akuntansi pada jurusan Manajemen Informatika ditingkatkan menjadi jurusan  Komputerisasi Akuntansi.
Dalam upaya diversifikasi usaha, dan sehubungan dengan selesainya pembangunan gedung Unit III dan IV, pada tanggal 1 April 1997 Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur mendirikan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Budi Luhur. Dan setahun kemudian setelah selesai membangun gedung Unit V, pada tanggal 1 April 1998 didirikan Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur. Dan kemudian pada tanggal 1 April 1999 Sekolah Tinggi Teknik (STT) Budi Luhur didirikan setelah gedung Unit VI selesai dibangun, Dalam rangka efisiensi, empat sekolah tinggi (STMIK, STIE, STISIP, STT) sesuai dengan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional 144/D/0/2002 tanggal 7 Juni 2002 diintegrasikan menjadi Universitas Budi Luhur.
Globalisasi dan krisis yang berkepanjangan memberikan dampak dalam persaingan tenaga kerja profesional yang semakin ketat. Untuk itu kita perlu membekali diri dengan kemampuan akademis maupun praktis agar menjadi tenaga kerja yang tangguh yang terus dapat bertahan dalam persaingan, khususnya dalam meningkatkan karier.
Untuk itu Universitas Budi Luhur membuka kesempatan untuk dapat menambah pengetahuan dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Sosial Politik, Komunikasi dan Teknik yang pada saat ini masih merupakan pilihan teratas dalam peningkatan karier.
Persaingan bebas dan ketat di dunia pendidikan, perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT) dan peningkatan pengetahuan konsumen mendorong kami melakukan peningkatan kualitas  dan kepuasan layanan terbukti dengan didapatkannya sertifikasi sistem penjaminan mutu internasional ISO 9001:2000.

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univ budi luhur unggulan di Jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

tentang yang unggulan di jakarta ;)

Magister Ilmu Komputer

Pada era globalisasi saat ini, dimana AFTA sudah diberlakukan, salah satu keunggulan kompetitif yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu intansi/perusahaan adalah kemampuan untuk menyiapkan dan memiliki informasi yang cepat dan akurat. Kemampuan tersebut tentunya harus dipersiapkan dan dikelola oleh sumber daya manusia yang handal. Berdasarkan kebutuhan akan SDM yang handal di bidang teknologi komunikasi, media dan informatika (telematika) serta dalam rangka percepatan pendayagunaan teknologi telematika sesuai dengan hasil sidang World Summit on The Information Society (WSIS), maka Universitas Budi Luhur menyelenggarakan program Magister Ilmu Komputer (S2) untuk mempersiapkan SDM yang berkualitas dan kompeten dalam mempersiapkan, membangun dan mengelola sistem informasi perusahaan.
Menjadi program magister unggulan di bidang teknologi telematika di Indonesia       dengan dilandasi budi pekerti luhur.
Mempersiapkan lulusannya sebagai pemimpin (leader) di bidang teknologi telematika,  berbudi pekerti luhur serta memiliki keahlian, pengetahuan dan      nilai (skills, knowledge and values) dalam :
  • Menguasai pengetahuan inti teknologi telematika;
  • Mengintegrasikan teknologi telematika dan bisnis;
  • Memiliki perspektif bisnis yang luas dengan kenyataan di lapangan;
  • Menguasai keahlian berkomunikasi antar perorangan dan tim;
  • Menguasai keahlian berfikir analitis dan kritis;
  • Menguasai keahlian  khusus yang mengarah ke jenjang karir
Kurikulum MKom disusun secara terstruktur dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri dan bisnis di Indonesia, khususnya dengan muatan lokal berupa materi di bidang telematika dan manajemen berbasis komputer. Kurikulum juga disusun berdasarkan acuan dari MSIS 2000, yang merupakan Model Kurikulum untuk Program Graduate Degree di bidang Sistem Informasi, yang dibuat dan dikembangkan secara terus menerus oleh ACM (Association of Computer Machinery) dan AIS (Association for
Information Systems)
di Amerika Serikat.

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta


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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 09 November 2012 0 komentar
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta
universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

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Universitas Budi Luhur unggulan di Jakarta

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 08 November 2012 0 komentar
Universitas Budi Luhur unggulan di Jakarta\

Executive Class

Lewat program kuliah efektif ini para mahasiswa dapat kuliah dan tetap dapat beraktivitas seperti biasa dalam pekerjaan.
Dengan mengikuti program kuliah efektif ini, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan kemudahan-kemudahan antara lain :
  • Tidak perlu mengikuti PLK/OSPEK
  • Kuliah diselenggarakan diluar jam kerja
  • Kuliah diselenggarakan secara periodik (bukan kuartal atau semester)
  • Tidak ada sumbangan gedung
  • Memiliki hak yang sama seperti mahasiswa kelas reguler
Senin – Jumat : 18.30 – 21.00
Sabtu : 09.00 – 17.00
Kampus Pusat:
Sekretariat Kelas Eksekutif Universitas Budi Luhur – Kampus Pusat:
Jl. Raya Ciledug, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12260
Unit 5 Lt. 1
Telp : (021) 585.37.53 Ext : 281
Direct : (021) 589.07.123
HP : 0811.97.57.57
Kampus Roxy
Kampus Salemba

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Universitas Budi Luhur Unggulan di Jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

D3 Unggulan FTI

Diploma 3 Unggulan FTI membuka 3 konsentrasi :
  • Komputer Graphics & Design
  • Accounting Information System
  • Networking
Konsep Belajar
D3 Unggulan menerapkan konsep belajar modern dengan e-learning dan dipadu dengan link and match dari praktisi ICT. Dengan konsep belajar ini maka mahasiswa menjadi pusat pembelajaran (student learning center). Setiap meja belajar  siswa dilengkapi dengan komputer dan fasilitas internet, sehingga memungkinkan mahasiswa melakukan diskusi online dengan teman, dosen, atau netter lainnya. Disamping itu mahasiswa dapat mengakses materi yang tidak terbatas jumlahnya setiap saat.
Satu kelas hanya diisi dengan 30 orang mahasiswa, sehingga menghasilkan suasana belajar yang optimal dalam penyerapan materi oleh mahasiswa. Selain itu tersedia fasilitas belajar yang memungkinkan mahasiswa tetap dapat belajar dari jarak jauh pada saat ada kendala untuk hadir di kampus.
Materi Pembelajaran
Materi belajar yang disusun untuk konsep E-Learning memungkinkan dosen selalu dapat menyesuaikan materi dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. Kita tahu bahwa teknologi di bidang komputer memang cepat sekali berubah. Link and match dilakukan dengan mengadakan ujian testimonial oleh praktisi dan disaksikan oleh orang tua mahasiswa.
Soft Skill
Softskill yang didapat mahasiswa antara lain berupa Bahasa Inggris, kemampuan komunikasi, kemampuan manajerial, karakter yang tangguh, kreatif, dan inovatif.
Hard Skill
Sedangkan hardskill yang didapat dibidang ICT dapat dibagi menjadi :
a. Umum
IT Support, melakukan otomatisasi perkantoran, menjadi Sistem Administrator
b. Khusus
Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Web Programmer, Web Designer, E-commerce System Developer, Computer Animator, dan Computer Graphic Designer.

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universitas budi luhur unggulan di jakarta

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi

Program Studi Sistem Informasi (Jenjang Strata -1) Visi
Menjadikan Program Studi Unggulan di bidang Pengembangan Sistem Informasi yang mampu bersaing di pasar Global dengan dilandasi Budi Pekerti Luhur
Menghasilkan Sarjana di bidang Rekayasa Sistem Informasi yang berkualitas Global, Inovatif, dan ber Budi Luhur serta Melakukan Riset-riset unggulan di bidang Pengembangan Sistem Informasi yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.
1.   Mendidik calon sarjana di bidang teknologi informasi dengan pemberian bekal tentang prinsip, teknik dan alat-alat pengembangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer
2.   Menghasilkan sarjana siap terap yang mampu menganalisa dan menerjemahkan kebutuhan manajemen ke bentuk rancangan sistem informasi berbasis komputer
3.   Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai sikap profesional dan etika profesi yang tinggi berdasarkan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan YME dan kecintaan terhadap tanah air dengan dilandasai budi pekerti luhur.
4.   Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai wawasan dan menguasai pengetahuan teknologi informasi dan penggunaannya untuk membantu pelaksanaan manajemen dan proses bisnis.
5.   Mendidik calon sarjana yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengembangkan bidang ilmu/teknologi atau melanjutkan studinya.
Kompetensif Lulusan
1.  Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi
Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Rekayasa Sistem Informasi
2.  Konsentrasi Komputerisasi Akuntansi
Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
Prospek Lulusan
1.   Manajer di bidang Teknologi Informasi (TI)
2.   Manajer proyek pengembangan sistem informasi
3.   Sistem analis
4.   Programmer
5.   Auditor Sistem Informasi
6.   Pengelola basis data (Database Administrator)
7.   Pengelola jaringan (Network Administrator)
8.   Pembuat dan pengelola situs (Web Designer  and Web Administrator)
9.   Staff Perpajakan
10. Semua bidang yang berkaitan dengan penyajian informasi dengan alat bantu komputer.

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Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 September 2012 0 komentar


By 2154, humans have severely depleted Earth's natural resources. The Resources Development Administration (RDA) mines for a valuable mineral—unobtanium—on Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon orbiting the gas giant Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri star system.[10] Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisonous to humans, is inhabited by the Na'vi, 10-foot (3.0 m)-tall, blue-skinned, sapient humanoids[32] who live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess called Eywa.
To explore Pandora's biosphere, scientists use Na'vi-human hybrids called "avatars", operated by genetically matched humans; Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a paraplegic former marine, replaces his deceased twin brother as an operator of one. Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver), head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement and assigns him as a bodyguard. While protecting the avatars of Grace and scientist Norm Spellman (Joel David Moore) as they collect biological data, Jake's avatar is attacked by a thanator and flees into the forest, where he is rescued by Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a female Na'vi. Witnessing an auspicious portent, she takes him to her clan, whereupon Neytiri's mother Mo'at (C. C. H. Pounder), the clan's spiritual leader, orders her daughter to initiate Jake into their society.
Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), head of RDA's private security force, promises Jake that the company will restore his legs if he gathers intelligenceabout the Na'vi and the clan's gathering place, a giant arboreal called Hometree,[33] on grounds that it stands above the richest deposit of unobtanium in the area. When Grace learns of this, she transfers herself, Jake, and Norm to an outpost. Over three months, Jake grows to sympathize with the natives. After Jake is initiated into the tribe, he and Neytiri choose each other as mates, and soon afterward, Jake reveals his change of allegiance when he attempts to disable a bulldozer that threatens to destroy a sacred Na'vi site. When Quaritch shows a video recording of Jake's attack on the bulldozer to Administrator Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi),[34] and another in which Jake admits that the Na'vi will never abandon Hometree, Selfridge orders Hometree destroyed.
Despite Grace's argument that destroying Hometree could damage the biological neural network native to Pandora, Selfridge gives Jake and Grace one final chance to convince the Na'vi to evacuate before commencing the attack. While trying to warn the Na'vi, Jake confesses to being a spy and the Na'vi take him and Grace captive. Seeing this, Quaritch's men destroy Hometree, killing Neytiri's father (the clan chief) and many others. Mo'at frees Jake and Grace, but they are detached from their avatars and imprisoned by Quaritch's forces. Pilot Trudy Chacón (Michelle Rodriguez), disgusted by Quaritch's brutality, carries them to Grace's outpost, but during the escape, Quaritch fires at them, hitting Grace.
To regain the Na'vi's trust, Jake connects his mind to that of Toruk, a dragon-like predator feared and honoured by the Na'vi. Jake finds the refugees at the sacred Tree of Souls and pleads with Mo'at to heal Grace. The clan attempts to transfer Grace from her human body into her avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls, but she dies before the process can complete.
Supported by the new chief Tsu'tey (Laz Alonso), who acts as Jake's translator, Jake speaks to unite the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle against the RDA. Noticing the impending gathering, Quaritch organizes a pre-emptive strike against the Tree of Souls, believing that its destruction will demoralize the natives. On the eve of battle, Jake prays to Eywa, via a neural connection to the Tree of Souls, to intercede on behalf of the Na'vi.
During the subsequent battle, the Na'vi suffer heavy casualties, including Tsu'tey and Trudy; but are rescued when Pandoran wildlife unexpectedly join the attack and overwhelm the humans, which Neytiri interprets as Eywa's answer to Jake's prayer. Jake destroys a makeshift bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls; Quaritch escapes from the crashing bomber, wearing an AMP suit and breaks open the avatar link unit containing Jake's human body, exposing it to Pandora's poisonous atmosphere. Quaritch then prepares to slit the throat of Jake's avatar, but Neytiri kills Quaritch and saves Jake from suffocation.
With the exceptions of Jake, Norm, Max and several other scientists, all humans are expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth, after which Jake is transferred permanently into his avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls.


  • Sam Worthington as Jake Sully, a disabled former Marine who becomes part of the Avatar Program after his twin brother is killed. His military background helps the Na'vi warriors relate to him. Cameron cast the Australian actor after a worldwide search for promising young actors, preferring relative unknowns to keep the budget down.[35] Worthington, who was living in his car at the time,[36] auditioned twice early in development,[37] and he has signed on for possible sequels.[38] Cameron felt that because Worthington had not done a major film, he would give the character "a quality that is really real". Cameron said he "has that quality of being a guy you'd want to have a beer with, and he ultimately becomes a leader who transforms the world".[39]
  • Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, the head of the mining operation's security detail. Fiercely loyal to his military code, he has a profound disregard for Pandora's inhabitants that is evident in both his actions and his language. Lang had unsuccessfully auditioned for a role in Cameron's Aliens (1986), but the director remembered Lang and sought him for Avatar.[40] Michael Biehn, who was in Aliens, read the script and watched some of the 3-D footage with Cameron,[41] but was ultimately not cast in the role.
  • Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine, an exobiologist and head of the Avatar Program. She mentors Sully and is an advocate of peaceful relations with the Na'vi, having set up a school to teach them English.[42]
  • Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacón, a combat pilot assigned to support the Avatar Program who is sympathetic to the Na'vi. Cameron had wanted to work with Rodriguez since seeing her in Girlfight.[40]
  • Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge, the corporate administrator for the RDA mining operation.[43] While he is at first willing to destroy the Na'vi civilization to preserve the company's bottom line, he is reluctant to authorize the attacks on the Na'vi, doing so only after Quaritch persuades him that it is necessary, and the attacks will be humane. When the attacks are broadcast to the base, Selfridge displays discomfort at the violence.
  • Joel David Moore as Dr. Norm Spellman, a xenoanthropologist[44] who studies plant and animal life as part of the Avatar Program.[45] He arrives on Pandora at the same time as Sully and operates an avatar. Although he is expected to lead the diplomatic contact with the Na'vi, it turns out that Jake has the personality better suited to win the natives' respect.
  • Dileep Rao as Dr. Max Patel, a scientist who works in the Avatar Program and comes to support Jake's rebellion against the RDA.[46]
  • Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya (the Na'vi clan central to the story). She is attracted to Jake because of his bravery, though frustrated with him for what she sees as his naiveté and stupidity. She serves as Jake's love interest.[47] The character, like all the Na'vi, was created using performance capture, and its visual aspect is entirely computer generated.[48] Saldana has also signed on for potential sequels.[49]
  • C. C. H. Pounder as Mo'at, the Omaticaya's spiritual leader, Neytiri's mother, and consort to clan leader Eytukan.[50]
  • Wes Studi as Eytukan, the Omaticaya's clan leader, Neytiri's father, and Mo'at's mate.
  • Laz Alonso as Tsu'tey, the finest warrior of the Omaticaya. He is heir to the chieftainship of the tribe. At the beginning of the film's story, he is betrothed to Neytiri.

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Human vs Zombies

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Humans vs. Zombies (also called HvZ for short) is a live-action game predominantly played at US college campuses where players begin as Humans and try to survive in a story where Zombies have begun to rise from the dead. The ultimate goal of the game is for either all Humans to be turned into Zombies, or for the humans to survive a set amount of time. Humans can defend themselves using any item that is approved by a moderatorand thereby deemed safe and appropriate, but the most common equipment includes balled up socks, marshmallows, and foam dart guns. With these items, the goal is to hit a Zombie player with a thrown or launched item, thus stunning the Zombie player; Zombies are unarmed and must tag the Humans to gain a kill and, in some cases, avoid "starvation", thus forcing them out of the game. Safe zones are established so that players can eat and sleep in safety.

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Dark Floor

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Sarah (Skye Bennett) is an autistic little girl who is currently living at 'St. Mary's Hospital'. Her father, Ben (Noah Huntley), concerned about the state of the hospital, finally decides to take his daughter home as an MRI catches fire with Sarah inside it. They board an elevator with a group of strangers, including a businessman, Jonathan or "Jon" (William Hope), a nurse named Emily (Dominique McElligott), tramp Tobias (Ronald Pickup), and security guard Rick (Leon Herbert), but when the elevator reaches the next floor down, the hospital is abandoned. It soon becomes clear the safety of the group rests upon Sarah.


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Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane

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On a routine flight from Los Angeles to Paris, a renegade group of scientists has smuggled aboard a secret container holding a fellow scientist infected with a deadly genetically engineered virus which reanimates the dead. The virus is a variant of the malaria virus created by three scientists. They discovered and manufactured the virus with the intent of turning it into a biological weapon. Their goal was to produce soldiers who could continue fighting, even while mortally wounded. The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids. The infected have superhuman abilities, sprinting and leaping beyond human capabilities. The zombies become very durable, and one particular zombie survives despite being thrown into a plane's engine.
The 747 jumbo jet encounters massive thunderstorms, and the turbulence releases the scientist from the cargo hold. A guard assigned to her kills her with a MP5K, when she re-animates and attacks and kills him, turning him into a zombie. Two of the scientists go below to ascertain if the container has been damaged by the turbulence, and are also killed, starting a zombie outbreak. The uninfected passengers must fight for survival aboard the flight. No government will allow the infected airliner to land, leaving the survivors stranded in the sky with their ravenous tormentors. Billy, his wife Anna, Burrows, Frank, Paul, and Megan, a stewardess aboard the plane, are all that are left of the uninfected people. They must make their way to the cockpit and signal a fighter jet behind them that there are still living people aboard the 747 or the fighter will destroy them. After managing to get the MP5K from the dead guard, Burrows, Frank and Billy make their way from the tail of the plane to the cockpit, while the couple stay behind. Billy is bitten but manages to kill some of the undead passengers, while Anna comes to help Billy she gets bitten but kills the Undead by thrusting an umbrella into its mouth. After that they both get surrounded, Billy opens the emergency exit most of the infected gets sucked out.
Frank and Burrows make it to the cockpit where Frank kills the zombie copilot, and the two of them try to get the plane off autopilot and signal the fighter which fires at them. They are ultimately successful and waggle the plane's wings, alerting the fighter. The fighter pilot hits the abort key and the missile explodes away from the 747, but close enough to the plane to open a hole in the side. All the zombies are apparently sucked out. Frank and Burrows try to control the plane, but hit a mountain and crash land near Las VegasNevada. The movie ends with Megan, Burrows, Paul, and Frank moving toward the city. In the last scene, it is revealed that some zombies have also survived the crash.


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Zombie 108

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Ximending, the downtown of Taipei, a sin-darkened district packed with violence and drugs, is now confronting a far worse situation. Because of a virus incident, Taipei is afflicted in cataclysm. The government orders to evacuate all residents in the vicinity. But the underworld gangs are still dissipated and havent got a clue about that. Meanwhile, SWAT teams break in and prepare to bring on the strike so as to disrupt the triads reigning in Ximending. Unexpectedly, the gang lackeys suddenly turn into zombies and attack every living person. In no time, the whole downtown is with such huge bloodshed. Now the gang bosses, policemen, SWAT teams and civilians have no choice but to work together to escape for life, in seemingly good teamwork, but they have hidden schemes to compete with and will even kill each other. Linda(Yvonne Yao), a stacked, sweet and resolute woman, just breaks away from the hunt of zombies but falls into another predicament. A pervert(Joe Chien) loots and detains several women including Linda in his basement for sexual indulgence. As a widow, she can only be subjected to him for the sake of her little daughter. What could she do to survive the fatality by the lustful devil and the voracious zombies?

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The film takes place in a 1950s-esque alternate universe where radiation from space has turned the dead intozombies. This resulted in the "Zombie Wars", where humanity battled zombies to prevent a zombie apocalypse, with humanity the ultimate victor. The radiation still plagues humanity, as all those who die after the original contamination turn into the undead, unless the dead body is disposed of by decapitation or cremation. In order to continue living normal lives, communities are fenced with the help of a governing corporation named Zomcon. Zomcon provides collars with accompanying remote controls to control the zombies' hunger for flesh so as to use them as slaves or servants.
In the town of Willard, whose name is a reference to the town in the original 1968 Night of the Living Dead, housewife Helen Robinson (Carrie-Anne Moss) buys a zombie in spite of her husband Bill's (Dylan Baker) zombie phobia, as Bill has had bad experiences with zombies having been a veteran of the Zombie Wars. Their son, Timmy (K'Sun Ray), befriends the zombie, naming him "Fido" (his true name is never revealed, and little is revealed of his "pre-zombie" life, except that he died of myocardial infarction, and at one point Helen wishes she had met him before she got married and when he was still alive). One day, Fido's collar malfunctions and he kills their next door neighbor, who turns into a zombie. Timmy "kills" the zombified neighbor later, but not before she kills and infects another person, causing a small outbreak. Zomcom security forces quell the situation and then investigate what caused the outbreak.
When a pair of local bullies are blamed for the missing neighbor, they capture Fido and Timmy. Fido escapes and runs to find Helen, who comes and rescues Timmy from the bullies (who, through misadventure and Fido's hunger for human flesh, are now zombies), and they try to forget about the whole thing. Several days later, the neighbor's body is found and the murder is traced back to Fido, who is taken away to Zomcon where the public is told he will be destroyed. Timmy learns through Cindy Bottoms (Alexia Fast), daughter of Jonathan Bottoms (Henry Czerny), Zomcon's abusive security chief, that Fido is simply working in a factory at Zomcon. Timmy sets out to rescue him with the help of Mr. Theopolis (Tim Blake Nelson), previous security chief of Zomcon who was forced into early retirement when it was discovered he was found guilty of fraternization with his female zombie, whom he has remarkably preserved well to retard her decaying process, thus giving her a relatively attractive appearance.
Meanwhile, Timmy locates Fido, but is captured by Mr. Bottoms, who attempts to throw Timmy into the zombie-infested "wild zone" that exists outside of the fenced communities. Bill comes to the rescue and is killed by Mr. Bottoms, who in turn is killed by Fido. Timmy is set free and the news media propagandizes that the Zomcom security breach was the fault of rednecks who venture out into the wild zone to hunt zombies for fun. Helen finally learns not to belittle Bill's bad experiences from the Zombie Wars by paying for a headless funeral in order to prevent his zombification. The film ends with Fido as a surrogate father and husband, Timmy, Helen and Helen's newborn baby by Bill as a new family. They, along with a few neighbors happily enjoy their new domestic lives together, including the zombified Jonathan Bottoms who is now more attentive to his daughter.


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Dylan Dog : Dead Of Night

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In New Orleans, Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh) is an ace detective whose specialty is paranormal cases and a middle man between the real and the undead worlds. He must deal with vampires, werewolves, zombies, and a guardian, all due to a client's (Anita Briem) case. With the help of Marcus Deckler (Sam Huntington), his newly undead assistant, he must solve a mystery involving the creature Belial and its master.


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Breaking Dawn

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Breaking Dawn is divided into three separate parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island owned by Carlisle who bought it for Esme, called Isle Esme, off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realizes that she is pregnant with a half-vampire, half-human child and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return home to Forks, Washington. The fetus continues to develop with unnatural rapidity, and Edward, concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the fetus is going to kill her, urges her to abort the pregnancy. However, Bella feels a connection with her unborn baby and refuses.
The novel's second part is written from the perspective of shape-shifter Jacob Black, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. Jacob's Quileute wolf pack, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, plan to destroy it and kill Bella. Jacob vehemently protests this decision and leaves, forming his own pack with Seth and Leah Clearwater. The fetus in Bella's body grows swiftly and Bella soon gives birth. The baby breaks many of her bones, including her spine, and she loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire by injecting his venom into her heart. Jacob, thinking that Bella is dead, and blaming Bella's daughter Renesmee as the cause, tries to kill Renesmee. Instead, he "imprints"—an involuntary response in which a shape-shifter finds his soul mate—on her.
The third section shifts back to Bella's perspective, describing Bella's painful transformation and finding herself changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an "immortal child", a child who has been turned into a vampire. Because "immortal children" are uncontrollable, creating them has been outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to survive, the Cullens gather other vampire clans from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to vampires' secret existence. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with a Mapuche called Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. Nahuel demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat, and the Volturi leave. Edward, Bella, and Renesmee return to their home in peace.

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